Wednesday 5th September 2018 Deeping and Helliwell Meeting Room, The Forum
3.30-5.30pm & 6.30-8.30pm
An important conversation is currently taking place across Southend-on-Sea that focuses on the future of the borough and how it affects the lives of those who live, work and visit.
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council is inviting businesses and residents to share their aspirations about the kind of place they want the town to become - your feedback is fundamental in the making of the next 32 years and vital in creating a successful strategic plan for Southend.
Southend BID is facilitating two workshops with tea and cake to allow BID businesses to share their aspirations for the town. Two sessions will be taking place in order to give you the opportunity to think about some of the big questions we face and provide feedback which will be collated by the council and used to form a shared vision and ambition for the town, as part of the council’s Southend 2050 conversation.
The workshop format will include speakers, visual exercises, town centre-specific conversations and the chance to hear of some of the feedback gathered from the engagement so far.
The Southend BID management team will also be providing an update on the BID’s recent activity and plans for the rest of the year.
Details of the sessions are as follows:
Wednesday 5th September 2018 Deeping and Helliwell Meeting Room, The Forum
3.30-5.30pm & 6.30-8.30pm
Please RSVP by Friday 31st August by emailinghello@southendbid.com