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Writer's pictureSouthend BID

Southend Retail Against Crime Meeting

Many thanks to those attended the Retail Against Crime meeting on 30 July 2019.

Police Update;

· The Southend Town Centre Team (TCT) officially launched on 22 July – one additional Officer is due to join the team shortly.

· The Town Centre Team would like to clarify that TCT includes the high street and seafront

· The team have 2 social media accounts which can be followed - Twitter @SouthendPolTCT - Facebook - @EPSouthend

· The Town Centre Team thanked Stambridge for their officers assistance in the successful detention, arrest and custodial sentence of a wanted offender

· Over the past 30 days the Town Centre Team have issued

o 42 Verbal ASB warnings

o 9 Written ASB warnings

o 9 CPN (Community Protection Notices)

o Arrested 15 individuals for a variety of offences

o Seen 10 of those individuals attend court

o Conducted 5 stop and searches

Retail Crime;

· The Street Rangers assisted in the recovery of £8,498.38 of stolen goods – 41%

· Southend BID employed 2 new Street Rangers as 2 have moved on – Josh has already commenced the role and Luke is due to start on 1st August 2019

Rough Sleepers/Street Drinking/Anti-Social Behaviour;

· The PSPO legislation will come into effect on 19 August 2019. Street signs will be placed throughout the proposed area before the PSPO is implemented

· It was noted that there has been an increase in street drinking and begging due to the warmer weather

Youth Anti-Social Behaviour;

· A wanted youth was detained and arrested with the assistance of the Street Ranger team.

· There have been no reports of any increase in activity from our youth on the High Street and it was agreed that it has been considerably better than in previous years


·57 West, the soup kitchen on Clarence Road and STARS have increased issues one premises and having a detrimental effect on the business. Street Rangers will increase patrols in the area and an email requesting the assistance of the Community Safety Team will be sent.

· There has been an increase in individuals using nitrous oxide whilst on the Seafront. Any issues of anti-social behaviour is to be reported via 101 or online -

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please email

Next meeting: 24 September, 6pm – The Royal Hotel


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