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Writer's pictureSouthend BID

Southend Business Against Crime Meeting - September 22

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Many thanks to those attended the Business Against Crime meeting.

Minutes and Actions from the last meeting

· None

Southend BID Crime and Safety Updates

· Upcoming ballot will run for one month until 3rd November 2022 – very important to vote if you wish to maintain the future of the BID

· Five Street Rangers now working across seven days, 9am-6pm

· Urged businesses to share information regarding shoplifters or persistent problems as sometime there are warrants out and it can help to have more information

· Continued problems with a select group of youths and anti-social behaviour, Lee from youth offending does a great job to support. Inviting Youth Offending to future meetings ACTION

· Increased issues with aggressive begging and street drinking causing issues at all parts of the day.

· Discussed benefits of the DISC system and the importance of getting more involved with using it regularly to help identify more and submit offenders and share intelligence. After DISC update, drive more to use the great tool at our disposal. ACTION

· Fireworks commence 7th October until 19th November which will also be the day of the big switch on event which returns after two years.

Town Centre Police Team (TCPT) Update

· Unavailable to attend. Brief update provided by CS Manager.

· Operation Curry in play to deal with issues highlighted of the young group causing ASB. Biggest problem is identifying individuals.

· It was suggested attendees that a possible course of action could be to liaise with schools and suggest assemblies or emails to parents regarding ASB in the local area and possible sanctions if individuals caught.

· Success of plain clothes officers in nightclubs tackling crime.

· Op Union across the summer really successful across the seafront but this has meant support limited in other areas however hoping for a knock on effect from that focus.

· It was highlighted that it is important that businesses and visitors feel confident in support levels moving forward in the High Street zone too going forward.

Business Crime Team Updates

· Not in attendance.

Street Pastors

· Team working between 9.30pm and 2am.

· They now have a team of 37 active street pastors in Southend and can call on further support from Essex. Contact details 07494989266.

· the changeover they had been able to have with the CS team before they left at 10pm over the summer had been very beneficial.

· They also have town link and are introducing day time coverage between either 12-2pm or 2-4pm providing support to local business.

Community Safety Update

· Community supports officers shift hours are 2-10pm 12-8pm

· Hours will be returning to the pre-summer shift pattern so that the late shift will now be returning to 12-8pm instead of the 2-10pm we had over the summer.

· It was asked what the day shift of the CS Team is if the night shift is 12-8pm and was confirmed as 9-5pm. The question was raised as to whether double the amount of support was needed during the 12-5pm period leaving other areas without any support.

· Main issues in last few weeks rough sleepers and fake currency.


· Discussed needing more meetings throughout the Winter, possibly monthly.

· Communicating to more business’ to join us and provide a bigger support network.

· Dates to be confirmed at next meeting ACTION

Next meeting: Wednesday 23rd November at 6pm. Email to attend or provide feedback.


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