We’ve compiled a list of where to get your groceries in the Southend BID zone and what policies they are have implemented to keep everyone safe. When stocking up on your food shopping please ensure you adhere to social distancing and the safety measures each business has put in place.
Please only visit Southend if you need to purchase essentials and check with each store for the most up to date information.
Sainsbury’s – 45 London Road, SS1 1PL
Monday to Saturday 08.00-22.00 Sunday 10.00-16.00
1. One adult per household with the exception of those that require special assistance.
2. NHS and social care workers only between 7.30-8.00am Monday - Saturday.
3. Older and vulnerable shoppers only between 8-9.00am every Thursday.
4. To minimise contact between staff and other customers you can shop with ‘smartshop’. This allows you to scan your shopping using the handsets in store or by mobile app (download from google play or apple store) and pack as you go. Payments can then be processed at the dedicated tills. You will need a nectar card but these can be sourced in store.
Visit the website HERE
Iceland – 4 York Road, SS1 2BH
Monday to Saturday 09.00-17.00 Sunday 10.00-16.00
1. NHS and social care workers only between 5-6pm Monday – Saturday.
2. Limit to the amount of people allowed in store.
Visit the website HERE
Marks & Spencer – 56 High Street, SS1 1JS
Monday to Friday 08.30-18.00 Saturday 08.00-18.00 Sunday 10.30-16.30
1. NHS and social care workers only between 8.30-9.30am every Tuesday and Friday.
2. Older and vulnerable shoppers only between 8.30-9.30am every Monday and Thursday.
3. Trolleys and baskets are cleaned after every use.
Visit the website HERE
AM 2 PM - The Broadway, London Road, SS1 1PE
Monday to Sunday 06.00-23.00
Contact them here: 01702 338550
Nisa – Southend Victoria Train Station, Victoria Avenue, SS2 6AE
Monday to Sunday 05.00-20.00
Saturday 06.00-19.00
Sunday 08.00-16.00
Visit the website HERE
Tesco Express – The Royals Shopping Centre, Heygate Avenue, SS1 1DX
Monday to Sunday 07.00-20.00
1. Directional floor marking to create a safe flow of movement around the store.
2. Floor marking to help you keep a safe distance from others whilst waiting to pay.
3. Protective screens are in place at checkouts.
Visit the website HERE
Victoria News and Cards - 11 Southchurch Road, SS1 2QA
Monday to Sunday 09.00-17.30
Sunday 10.00-16.00
Contact them here: 01702 462471
Fresh Daily – 21 High Street, SS2 6AE
Monday to Sunday 07.00-19.00
Contact them here: 07400 400523
The Green House – 121 High Street, SS1 1LH
Open daily
Holland and Barrett – 185 High Street, SS1 1LL
Monday to Sunday 09.00-17.00
Sunday 10.00-16.00
1. Only allowing two customers into store at a time.
2. Older and vulnerable shoppers only between 9-10am Monday – Saturday and 10-11am Sunday.
3. Clear social distancing markers in store.
4. Installed shielding screens at tills.
5. Asking all customers to scan and bag their own items.
Visit the website HERE
Parkson Cash and Carry – 2 Clarence Road, SS1 1AN
Contact them here: 01702 342988
Poundland – The Victoria Centre, SS2 5SP
Monday to Sunday 09.00-17.00
Sunday 10.00-16.00
1. You’ll be guided by customer marshals at store entrances.
2. Clear social distancing markers in store.
3. Increased hygiene and cleaning procedures in stores.
4. Rolling out protective screens at checkouts.
Visit the website HERE
The Range – 3 Short Street, SS2 5BY
Monday to Sunday 08.30-18.00
Sunday 10.30-16.30
1. Enhanced cleaning routines and social distancing.
Visit the website HERE
Wilko – Victoria Shopping Centre, SS2 5SP
Monday to Sunday 08.00-17.00
Sunday 10.00-16.00
1. Enhanced cleaning routines and social distancing.
2. You’ll be guided by customer marshals at store entrances
3. Physical distancing across all our stores with regular tannoy reminders
4. Rolling out protective screens and floor markers at our tills
Visit the website HERE
Check with each store for the most up to date information.