Below are a list of the grants that are currently available. Review the eligibility, find out more details, and apply HERE.
'Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed) Addendum' - this was for businesses that have were mandated to close the main part of their business from 5th November - 2nd December. This grant is now closed.
'Local Restrictions Support Grants (Sector)' - this is for businesses that have been required to remain closed since March such as nightclubs.
'Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed)' - this will be available to businesses that have been mandated to close the main part of their business from from 2nd December onwards due to Tier 2 or 3 restrictions.
Applications for the following grants are not currently open but will be soon:
'Wet Led Pubs Grant' - a £1,000 Christmas grant will be available to support pubs that predominantly serve alcohol rather than food and thus have been severely impacted over the festive season due to temporary local restrictions. Read the eligibility information HERE.
'Additional Restrictions Grant' - this is still in consultation.