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government support

Last updated: 23/09/2021

find the latest information about the government support measures

The below provides more detailed information about the measures the Government has implemented to support businesses. You can always find the latest detail here or use this support finder to quickly identify what is available to you. Read about the COVID-19 Autumn and Winter Plan 2021 HERE.

A link to read some of the key national statements made by the Government can be found below:

14th September 2021 // 12th July 2021 // 5th July 2021 //

14th June 2021 // 10th May 2021 // 22nd February 2021 // 27th January 2021 // 4th January 2021 //

16th December 2020 // 23rd November 2020  // 31st October 2020 // 22nd October 2020  //

24th September 2020 // 22nd September 2020 // 9th September 2020 // 13th August 2020  //

 31st July 2020 // 17th July 2020 // 9th July 2020 // 8th July 2020  // 23rd June 2020 //

 29th May 2020 // 25th May 2020 // 10th May 2020 // 16th April 2020 // 23rd March 2020 // 20th March 2020


non repayable grants

The Government have made cash grants to available to assist businesses. Grants that are currently available include:

  1. Local Restrictions Support Grants (Sector) - for businesses that have been mandated to remain closed since March such as nightclubs.

  2. Local Restrictions Support Grant (5th Nov - 2nd Dec) - up to £3,000 for businesses mandated to close the main part of their business in the stated period.

  3. Local Restrictions Support Grant (2nd Dec onwards) - up to £3,000 for businesses mandated to close the main part of their business in the stated period.

  4. Christmas Support for Wet Led Pubs (2nd Dec onwards) - £1,000 available to venues that predominantly sell alchol rather than food (closes 28th February 2021).

  5. Lockdown Grants -  up to £9,000 will be available to retail, hospitality and leisure sector businesses that will remain closed until at least mid-February as oart if the new restrictions. Applications are not open yet.

  6. Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) - the eligibility criteria can be found here, application close (for most sectors) 2nd March 2021. 

Find more details and the application forms for each of the open grants here.

job retention

Under the COVID-19 Job Retention Scheme, which has now been extended until April 2021, HMRC will reimburse 80% towards an employees wages for hours not worked up to the value of £2,500 per month. 

There are currently no employer contribution to wages for hours not worked. Employers will only be asked to cover National Insurance and employer pension contributions for hours not worked.


The CJRS extension will be reviewed in January to examine whether the economic circumstances are improving enough for employers to be asked to increase contributions.

CLICK HERE to claim and read more.

Latest announcement can be read HERE.

business rates

All Retail, Hospitality and Leisure businesses will pay no rates for the 2020-2021 tax year which was automatically applied to properties that are wholly or mainly being used as:

o As a shop, restaurant, café, drinking establishment, cinema or live music venue.

o For assembly and leisure.

o As a hotel, guest house, boarding premises or self catering accommodation.

An extension of the business rates 'holiday' was announced to continue at 100% until June 2021 and for a further 9 months business rates would be discounted by two thirds.

CLICK HERE to check if your business falls into the categories mentioned above and HERE to read details on the 2021 relief.


This scheme has been postponed as the furlough has been extended until the end of April 2021. 

Businesses will be eligible for a Job Retention Bonus of £1,000 per employee as an incentive to keep on their furloughed employees and introduced them back into the workplace.

Employees must earn above the Lower Earnings Limit of £520 per month on average between the end of the Job Retention scheme and the end of January 2021.. Payments will be made from February 2021.

CLICK HERE to read the initial statement.

Further details on the scheme are HERE


The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme  (CBIL) provides support to small and medium sized businesses through access to loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance of up to £5 million and for up to 6 years.


The Government will provide lenders with a guarantee of 80% on each loan which can be delivered through one of 40 acredited lenders including all the major banks.


Applications are now open for you to discuss your business plan with one of the lenders. You can find out the best way to contact them on their websites.


CLICK HERE to find out more.

bounce back loan

As an extension to the CBIL package, small businesses can benefit from the new fast track scheme providing loans between £2,000 and £50,000 with access to the cash within days.

These loans are 100% Government backed and are interest free for the first 12 months. These scheme are available through a list of accredited lender and are designed for small businesses that need an immediate cash injection to survive. 

Amends in February 2021 added more flexibility to repayments, there are now the following possible options:


•Extend the length of the loan from six years to ten.

•Make interest-only payments for six months, with the option to use this up to three times throughout the loan.

•Pause repayments entirely for up to six months.


CLICK HERE to read more on the scheme and CLICK HERE to read about the repayment delays announcement.

supporting jobs


Funding available for high quality 6-month work placements for 16-24 year olds on Universal Credit and are deemed to be at risk of long-term unemployment. Funding to cover 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. Find out more about the scheme.


Employers who provide 16-24 year old trainees with work experience will be supported at a rate of £1,000 per trainee. 


Employers will receive £2,000 for each new apprentice they hire aged under 25, and a £1,500 payment for each new apprentice they hire aged 25 and over, from 1st August 2020 to 31st January 2021.

CLICK HERE to read more on these schemes. 


Businesses unable to pay their full rent during this pandemic will be protected from aggressive debt recovery practices and eviction.

The Government temporarily banned the use of statutory demands and winding up petitions. As of 10th March 2021 these measures were extended for a further 3 months until the end of June 2021.


A new code of practise has been developed to provide clarity for businesses when discussing rental payments which you can read HERE.

Tenants must pay rent in the cases where they can afford it. All tenants will still be liable for the rent missed.


CLICK HERE to find out more about the initial announcement and HERE for the latest.

eat out to help out

To support approximately 130,000 businesses and protect 1.8 million jobs the Government introduced this scheme to encourage the public to dine out.

Every diner was entitled to a 50% discount of up to £10 per head on their meal at participating restaurants, cafes, pubs and other food establishments. This was in place for all of August 2020 and valid Monday to Wednesday on any eat in meal.

CLICK HERE to read more. 

income tax

Payments of Income Tax Self Assessment are due on 31 July but payment can be deferred until 31 January 2021. 


This is an automatic offer with no applications required.  No penalties or interest for late payment will be charged if you defer.

If you can make payment on the due date as normal then you should do so.

More details HERE.


All businesses and those that are self-employed can access support with their tax affairs through the HMRCs hotline on 0800 0159 559.

Businesses may be able to make arrangement with HMRC if they are having difficulty paying outstanding tax liabilities. They may also waive late payment penalties and interest but each arrangements will be agreed on a case by case basis.

CLICK HERE to read more.


This is available to larger firms and involves the purchasing of short term debt by the Bank of England to allow your business to finance short term liabilities.


All non-financial companies that meet the criteria set out on the Bank of England’s website are eligible.


CLICK HERE to find out more.

vat payments

Businesses are able to defer paying their first quarter VAT payments until the end of the financial year (31st March 2021). due between 20th March and 30th June 2020.

If you can pay the VAT on the due date as normal then you are able to do so.

Read more HERE.

vat cuts

Food and Non Alcoholic Drinks

New 5% VAT rate for supplies from 15th July 2020 - 31st March 2021 to support businesses and jobs in the hospitality sector.


Accommodation and Attractions

New 5% VAT rate for supplies of accommodation and admission to attractions from 15th July 2020 - 31st March 2021.

CLICK HERE to read the details.

The Government also has a Business Support Helpline:

0300 456 3565 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)

Redundancy Support

Should it be required, the council has an online resource which should help guide any staff that are having to be made redundant as a result of this pandemic: Redundancy Support - Business on Sea.


If needed, they are also able to open discussions on bespoke support if required. 

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